Trips and Travels

Rabu, 25 November 2015


I was just wondering how many people think about things that I always think everyday .
(well, yeah pretty rhetoric)

This afternoon, I drank many cups of coffee with a good friend and talked about Life.
Yeah, Life .
Pretty ironic and naive, see that we are just a mere human who got nothing (yet).

Is it wrong if we wanna talk about The World, in our perspective?
Call me a cynical, or narrow-minded, because my thoughts are rarely the same with the others.

Most girls in my age, often talk about marriage, kids, lovers.
Whilst, on my mind, I am worried about  Russian Jet that was downed by Turkish air force (25 November 2015, fact).

Girls love reading romances, with happy endings.
And I am consumed with Camus, Orwell, and Sartre and their poignant views. Maybe I have read too much information, and I still feel like a fool.
As my good friend, Tegar, said "the more you read, the more you suffer"

In another world, Girls love posting their pics with their lovers, with blabbering captions, wise words made by them or stole it from Google yet I only post pictures about stray cats.

I am afraid of World War III.
I am scared that most people are controlled by media.
I gave up when I knew about the fact that we cannot live on Mars.

Some said that I am too complicated. I think too much, too far.
And I hate reading bad comments and shallow views of people who think they know everything.

All my discussions with best friends mostly end up with questioning ourselves, "what are we talking about? are we aliens? are we normal?"

And I realize that, It is not you. It is me.

and I asked myself, "what is being normal anyway?"
Is it that to live a life like most of people do: being born, study, work, married, kids, being rich?
Or being one step richer , or smarter, or more "sophisticated" among your friends?

Is it too cliche if I say, "I wanna change the world, I wanna change my nation"
On the other hand, I am still stupid, lazy, don't have lots of money yet.
Maybe, that's why,  I have been thinking that I am gonna change myself first , will start from little things.

I am gonna be more on time.
I will not litter on road.
I will be a good listener, don't give unnecessary suggestion  before the speaker asks about it.
I will phone my parents more often.
I will start wake up in early morning again, like I did before (hmm.. even on weekends *crossfinger)
I will learn cooking, even that is not my thing.
I will help people without thinking for returns, even just their smiles.
and what else... (I am still thinking about it).

Perhaps, I am weird, I don't know how weird I am, 
Then I can only assume that each person has their own uniqueness. And who are you to judge?
well, even you, can't judge me too :)

Sometimes, I feel that not many people could understand me.
It feels like I speak riddles and rhymes only few people know.
If I am honest about everything, I am afraid that they would think that I am insane, and as an ordinary human, I am frightened of rejection and humiliation, and being insulted could hurt my feelings, too.

Well, I do apologize if I am being sensitive tonight.
I blame the coffee.

Checking the academic level of our writing

 Y'ello folks, maybe it's useful for ye! Check it out:

Writing academic articles like journal in English is challenging to some people. We are often unsure whether our writing is already academic or not. 

Actually, there is one feature/test in ms.words that can answer our doubt. We can use it to check how academic our writing is. 

I wanna share the information as I believe it will be beneficial for my friends, especially for last year students. 

Here are the Steps: 
1. Click the File Tab, and then click Options. 

2. Click Proofing. 

3. Under When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, make sure the Check grammar with spelling check box is selected. 

4. Select show readability statistics. 

5. After you enable this feature, open a file that you want to check. Make sure the language is English US or UK. 

6. Highlight the texts or paragraph that you want to check. Then, click review tab > spelling and grammar. After that, click no when there is a pop up to check the rest of the document. 

7. When Word finishes checking the spelling and grammar, it displays information about the reading level of the document. 

Notes: The one that you should see on the information box is the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. For example, if your Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is 7, that means your writing level is similar to 7th grade student's writing and suitable to be read by the same grade students. If you are a college student, the score that you are supposed to obtain should range from 13-16. That means your writing fulfills university writing standard and it's already academic.

The result can be considered accurate because the test rates text on U.S. school grade level. However, if you have non-English words in your writing or paragraph, the result might be slightly inaccurate. 

I'll give you an example. I used my thesis abstract to be tested with this feature. In my abstract, I have several non-English words like Balai Bahasa and Jawa Timur. The result that I got after using this readability test is 17.2. In my case, 17.2 is still considered okay and academic. I concluded that the result might be slighly inaccurate because some non-English words are present in my text. Nevertheless, if you get higher than 17 even 20, that means your writing is too complicated and complex, not understandable. 

In another word, your language mastery level is as same as Noam Chomsky. Too sophisticated until no one understands what you write. If you wanna remain ordinary human unlike Mr. Chomsky, consequently, you have to revise your text by simplyifing some sentences and breaking down your excessively long sentences (reducing the number of clauses in one sentence).

Thanks to my classmate for this tips .

A self-reminder

Well, perhaps, we have been dealing with many things which occupied our head. The world is spinning around. We are restless. Defenseless. 
We think something is wrong, but we don't know what it is.
we think too far, perhaps. we have been doing many things, putting so much efforts to reach goals, yet, we feel like we are running at the same place.
Hazy, Scary, and all this absurdity gagged us.
Sometimes, our mind is exhausted of everything. Nothing has changed, and we are in deeply morose, shouting and punching nothing in the air.

This article that I have read probably could make us rethink and ponder about things that we face.
When you are tired,  read this and you know what you will do next , you know you can do it, and most of all: because you deserve to be happy ,

"I know what it’s like to feel tired — and not just in the physical sense. 

The world that we live in is an exhausting place to be. It is wearing. It is thankless. It is endlessly trying and scarcely rewarding. You’re tired simply because you live in it. You’re tired of loving too much, caring too much, giving too much to a world that never gives anything back. You are tired of investing in indefinite outcomes. You’re tired of uncertainties. Tired of grey.

I know you haven’t always been this worn out — that there was a time when you were hopeful and pure. When your optimism outweighed your cynicism and you had an infinite amount in you to give. I know you have been chipped away and worn down piece by piece — a broken heart here and an un-kept promise there. I know the world hasn’t always been kind throughout the games you’ve played and that you’ve lost more times than you have ever won. I know you’re feeling uninspired to try again. I know.

Because the truth is, we’re all tired. Every single one of us. By a certain age, we are all nothing more than an army of broken hearts and aching souls, desperately searching for fulfillment. We want more but we’re too tired to ask for it. We’re sick of where we are but we are too scared to begin again. We need to take risks but we’re afraid to watch it all come crashing down around us. After all, we’re not sure how many times we will be able to start over.

We all think we’re alone in our exhaustion. But the truth is we’re tired of each other — tired of the games we play and the lies we tell and the uncertainties we present to each other. We don’t want to play the villain but we don’t want to play the fool either. So our guards go up. Our defences rile. And we take on the role that we loathe to see played because we’re not sure what choice we have left.

I know how impossible it can feel to go on trying and giving and becoming when you are exhausted straight through to the soul. I know that the cheerful ideals you were once promised now seem tired and hopeless. 

But here’s what I beg if you’re this close to giving up: give it one more try, with feeling. I know you’re tired of your attempts. I know that you’re at your wit’s end. But the truth about that second wind of passion is that you’re never going to realize you have it if you do not keep on running past your first.

We’re all more resilient than we think, and that’s an indisputable truth. There is always more love that we are capable of giving, more hope that we are capable of having, more passion that we’re capable of unleashing and flooding out into the world. We just don’t walk far enough down our own roads to reach the point where we’re seeing those actions pay off. 

We want immediate results and when we see none, we give up. We let the exhaustion stop us. We grow frustrated with the lack of feedback and we assume that means we have to throw the entire attempt right out the window.

Because here’s something we all loathe to admit — none of us are inspired every day. We all get exhausted. We all get discouraged. And we’re allowed to work on through those feelings. Just because you’re beaten down and worn out and sick of the life that you’re living doesn’t mean you’re not making a change. Every person you have ever admired has had times where they felt utterly defeated in the pursuit of their dreams. But that didn’t prevent them from reaching them. You’re allowed to stumble slowly towards your biggest transformations. It doesn’t always have to be a blazing, flagrant affair.

Some parts of life happen quietly. They happen slowly. They happen because of the small, careful choices that we make everyday, that turn us into better versions of ourselves. We have to allow ourselves the time to let those alterations happen. To watch them evolve. To not grow hopelessly frustrated in the in-between.

When you’re tired, go slowly. Go quietly. Go timidly. But do not stop.  
You are tired for all the right reasons. You are tired because you’re supposed to be. You’re tired because you’re making a change. You are exhausted for all the right reasons and it’s only an indication to go on. You are tired because you’re growing. And someday that growth will give way to the exact rejuvenation that you need."

P.S. I am writing this when I am sober, fully well-preserved with two big cups of Mocca coffee.

Jumat, 13 November 2015


Maybe these topics: The current Muslim trends and perspectives on feminism. Within Islam and in pluralistic contexts, how do commitments to feminism, personal religious practice, and pluralism work together? How are they in tension?  What are the common stereo-type threats of Muslim women and how do Muslim women approach traditional interpretations of their roles? Can a Muslim woman remain faithful to her tradition while embracing a feminist worldview? Join us in this intriguing conversation as we unveil the many facets to understanding Postmodern Muslim Feminism.